Daily Impact with Rev. Yemi Graceman Aduloju


Daily Impact: June 5, 2024
Topic: Pray
Text: Luke 18:1

You become a prey when you don’t pray. Everyone is as strong as his prayer altar. You’ll be a weak believer if you don’t pray. You will not be able to exercise the authority Christ has released unto you. Prayer is a catalyst for a change in the situation of a man. Your prayer must be word-loaded. Prayers are not answered when they are prayed amiss or when they are selfish. Prayers get answers when they are word-based. Luke 3:21, Jesus prayed during His baptism and the heavens opened. Prayer is a catalyst for open heavens. Jabez prayed on 1 Chronicles 4:9-10. Jabez was known for pain and sorrow, his name meant sorrow but there was a turnaround when he cried to God in prayer. Hannah cried to God and became a joyful mother. 1 Samuel 1:10-11, Hannah prayed and she got what she wanted. Prayers change situations and grant desires. Jonah was swallowed by a fish because of his disobedience but he prayed in Jonah 2:1 and the fish vomited him on dry land. You will be vomited by whatever has swallowed you when you pray. Prayer is an invitation sent to God to step in your affairs. Daniel 6:10, Daniel had a culture of prayer and the lions could not harm him. Develop the attitude and culture of prayer. Jesus prayed and so did his disciples. Do not contract out your prayer life. Your fellowship with God is more important than your sacrifices. Build up your prayer life and watch things change for your good.

1. I receive the grace and the burden to pray.
2. Father, as I pray, I see answers to my prayers and I will be encouraged.
3. Make your requests known to God. Father, let the heavens open upon me and let my story change.

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