Daily Impact with Rev. Yemi Graceman Aduloju


Daily Impact: May 28, 2024
Topic: Irrevocable Blessings of God cont’d
Text: Luke 21:15

The blessings of God on your life are irrevocable and they will manifest in your life. God has blessed you as a person, He has blessed your day, speak blessings to your day daily. God has blessed your ground and it will bring forth plentifully and abundantly, your thoughts are blessed and you think constructively, you make decisions that are productive and profitable.
Your words are blessed: when your words are blessed, they produce proof, results, and great profit, Luke 21:15. Your words are irresistible when they are blessed and words of wisdom proceed out of your mouth. A man with blessed words excels in an interview, he speaks with wisdom. A man whose words are without blessings causes strife and enmity with his words. He does not speak the right words, his words lack encouragement and hurt people and himself as well. He speaks words that implicate him and land him in trouble. May the words of your mouth and the meditation of your heart be acceptable before God.
Your efforts are blessed: efforts produce amazing results and great testimonies when they are blessed. People put a lot of effort into their activities and affairs but not every effort yields results. Your efforts will produce amazing results in the name of Jesus. Deuteronomy 2:7, your efforts are blessed, they produce great results and will not be wasted. You will not labour in vain and God’s name will be glorified. Your efforts will not fail.
The fruits of your body are blessed: Deuteronomy 28:4, your children are blessed, people connected to you enjoy blessings because of you. We enjoy the blessings of Abraham because we are in his loins. David’s children were blessed for David’s sake.

1. Father, let my words be seasoned with salt, let my words produce results to the praise and glory of your name.
2. Father, let none gainsay or be able to resist my words. Let my words be words od wisdom and power.
3. Father, bless my efforts and make them fruitful and productive, nothing dies in my hands.
4. The fruits of my body are blessed, my children are blessed.
I am blessed by God, God has blessed me and it will show, my blessings are irrevocable, no power, mortal, human, or demonic can resist or frustrate my blessings. My blessings are irrevocable, my day is blessed and empowered to prosper, and every day supports me, benefits, and prospers me. My ground is blessed and whatever I lay my hands on produces results. The ground favours me and the atmosphere works for me. My thoughts are blessed and I think productively. My words and efforts are blessed, and My children are blessed.

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