Daily Impact with Rev. Yemi Graceman Aduloju


Daily Impact: 13th July 2023
Topic: Complements of prayers that make prayers potent

We established that faith is one of the complements that makes prayers potent. Faith is believing in the testimony of another, it’s the confidence and assurance in the testimonies of scriptures. It is believing and acting on the living word of God to produce proof. Your faith in God must be strong, concrete, and active.

                                         The beliefs of faith
1. Faith that produces results believes that God is able. Hebrews 11:19, This was true about Abraham. There is no impossibility with God. Abraham received his promised child when he was 100 years old, He was instructed to offer him as a sacrifice, but Abraham obeyed. He was willing and ready to kill his son and give him a sacrifice. This he did because he believed God was able to raise Isaac from the dead. God is able to do whatever you want Him to do, take steps to actualize your faith. A productive faith is active and not passive.

2. Faith believes that God is faithful. Hebrews 11:11. Faith judges God faithful. Sarah was well over 90, her body was dead but through faith she received strength to conceive seed in her old age. This was possible because she judged God faithful. Believe that God is able and judge Him faithful. Faithful is He that promised, He will make it happen.

3. Faith believes that God is willing. God wills that you prosper and be in health. He is willing that you get the desires of your heart. He is willing to do you good. There’s no success you gain in life that can make God jealous or displace Him.

4. Faith believes that God is mighty. He is mighty to save and deliver. God introduced himself as the Al-mighty and not just mighty. He has all the might and power. He cannot be limited by any factor.

5. Faith believes that God is a Rewarder. Heb 11:6. Faith believes that there’s nothing done for God that will go unrewarded, faith believes that every deed is a seed.

6. Faith believes that God is sovereign. The 3 Hebrew boys submitted to the sovereignty of God when they chose not to bow whether or not God delivers them. Daniel 3:18. It may please God to save you through the fire or from the fire. The Hebrew boys believed that even their death in the fire could bring glory to God.

Prayer Focus
1. Father I believe you are able to do all things, there is no impossibility with You.

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