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Daily Impact with Rev. Yemi Graceman Aduloju

Daily Impact: January 30, 2024
Topic: People and things you must not follow

There are certain people and things you must not follow if you must live a successful nd victorious life.

You must not follow sinners. When sinners entice you, do not consent. Don’t follow sinners, Proverbs 1:15. You must not follow what you see. You must not follow your sight. For we walk by faith and not by sight. So don’t follow what you see. You must not follow strangers, John 10:5. Jesus said the voice of the stranger, they will not follow. A stranger is a danger. You must not follow your way. There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end thereof is the way of death. Don’t follow your way. Your way may not be the right way. Follow the right way. You must not follow the crowd. Don’t follow the multitude. The multitude is not always right, that the people are many does not mean they are correct. You must not follow your feelings. Feelings are not always right. You must not base your decisions in life based on what you feel at the moment. Don’t follow your feelings. Feelings are not always very correct. And it is not a good yardstick for the measurement of things to do in life. Your perceptions may not be right, and if you follow this perception, you may head for failure or disaster, so don’t follow your feelings. You must not follow the weather. The weather is not a stable authority to follow. You can’t follow the weather. Those who observe the wind will not sow, and those who observe the cloud will not reap. Ecclesiastes 11:4.

You have somewhere great you are going. Don’t allow anything to stop you. Don’t say there’s a lion in the street. I will be killed in the street. Who told you? The person who came to tell you there’s a lion in the street. Did the lion kill him? Go out. Don’t allow anything to keep you indoors. Don’t allow the weather to determine your actions or your inactions. You must not follow mockers or scorners, Psalm 1:1-2. Scorners are mockers. They scorn whatever a man is doing. Sanballat and Tobiah scorned the children of Israel. They scorned their achievement. Don’t follow mockers and scorners. It is a very wrong thing for any man to do. Don’t follow a man of anger. You need to avoid an angry man or a man who has a very short fuse, don’t follow that person. Proverbs 22:24 says with an angry man thou shalt not go, so don’t follow a man that is given to anger. Anger is just one letter short of danger. An angry man is a dangerous man to follow, so don’t follow him. You must not follow the divisive, Romans 16:17. The word of God has given you a clear instruction to mark every fellow sowing the seed of discord and avoid them. Avoid whoever is creating offenses. Avoid those who bring you tales of another person and create offences. There are people in the House of God who speak in tongues, but they are so excited about creating offences and division among the people. These people are within us. You can’t chase them away. Some divisive people come to church. You can’t excommunicate them. The House of God is for everybody. Even Satan goes to church. But so Paul said, just mark these people and avoid them. That is the only thing you can do. Mark them. And avoid them. Don’t follow tradition. Tradition is an unreliable authority. This is how we have always done. It is the reason why no new thing has been accomplished or achieved. If you are always fixated on how it has always been done, you won’t break new records. You won’t set new records. You will follow the old trail. You can think outside of the box. You can do something you like, something different. You don’t have to do it the way it has always been done.

I pray in the name that is above all names that the Lord will help you by his spirit not to follow these wrong parameters to achieve your purpose. The Lord will pour upon you, the grace to avoid those people and things you need to drop. I pray that the Lord will empower you to avoid negative people around you. The Lord will help you. You will be divinely strengthened not to follow the crowd. I am praying in the name that is above all names that the Lord will guide you by his spirit, the spirit of the Lord will be there to guide you. He will lead you and show you who and what to avoid. I am praying for the spirit of discernment, the ability to be able to discern between good and evil, right and wrong, and the people who are camouflaging as friends in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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