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Daily Impact with Rev. Yemi Graceman Aduloju

Daily Impact: April 7, 2024
Topic: Overcoming the Seal
Text: Matthew 27: 66

The Princes of this world did not know that putting Jesus to death was an advancement of the Kingdom of God. Jesus had done several miracles worthy of note, and the Pharisees tried to ensure that Jesus did not rise from the dead by ensuring that a seal was placed on the sepulchre but Jesus overcame the seal and destroyed the power of the seal. The seal is an emblem of authority to keep people out of an environment or property. The seal could be made of a tiny insignificant material but it carries power because it has the backing of the government. The seal is any evil mark or emblem upon your life preventing good things from coming to you. It could be a mark of rejection causing one to be rejected. It’s an emblem that hinders new things and good things. A carrier of the seal experiences the promise and fail syndrome. You must not allow any evil mark or seal on your life. Some people experience setbacks because of one seal or embargo placed on the family such as barrenness, premature death, anti marriage etc. Such seals must be broken just as Jesus broke the seal. The seal hinders people from getting help and assistance. The Angels helped Jesus, rolled away the Stone, sat at the sepulchre, untied the grave clothes and were first witnesses of His Resurrection. Every evil seal on your life is replaced with the mark/seal of the Lord Jesus, Galatians 6:17.

1. Father, let every evil mark/seal on my destiny be wiped off by the blood of Jesus.
2. Every mark of failure, rejection, barrenness, untimely death, etc be removed and destroyed in the name of Jesus. I overcome the power of satanic seals by the Resurrection power.
3. I receive the Mark of the Lord Jesus, and henceforth let no man trouble me. I receive the Mark of success, fruitfulness etc.

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