Daily Impact with Rev. Yemi Graceman Aduloju


Daily Impact: April 19, 2024
Topic: Strength in the Inner man
Text: Job 36:11

Obedience is a major key that builds your inner man. Every act of obedience empowers you and moves you closer to God. Every act of disobedience weakens your inner man and takes you farther from God. Obedience gave the men of faith great grace and power in God’s kingdom. Jesus lived in perfect obedience to the Father and He was given a name above all names. Abraham walked with God and got the blessings of obedience. Every act of obedience creates an avenue for new instructions from God. God will never instruct a man beyond his last act of obedience. Isaiah 1:19, God strengthens everyone who lives in obedience.

Clean Hands and right living: Psalm 24: 3-5, clean hands and pure heart guarantees your place in God’s presence. Right living allows you access into God’s presence. Your inner man is empowered when you live right. The enchantments and divinations could not stand against Israel because there was no perverseness amongst them, Numbers 23:21-23. Wash your hands and clean your heart from all impurities. Job 17:9, you will be stronger and stronger if your hands are clean.

1. Father, give me the grace to walk with you in obedience.
2. Father, cleanse my hands by the blood of Jesus, purify my heart by the fire of the Holy Spirit.
3. Father, let me grow from strength to strength. Make my inner man grow stronger and stronger in the name of Jesus.
4. Let every enchantment and divination in my life and family fail totally. Do not withdraw your presence from me and my family in the name of Jesus.
5. Strengthen me with might in my inner man by your Spirit.

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