America at a Crossroads: Why Election Night Results Might Show Trump Winning, and Then Get Changed


It’s the day before the election and America stands at a crossroads, choosing between two presidential candidates with radically opposite visions of what America should be.

But will we know who won on election night?

Republican candidate President Donald Trump and Democratic candidate former Vice President Joe Biden are giving their closing arguments today as the long race to the White House approaches the finish line.

Both spent the last weekend before Election Day in key battleground states.

Biden told supporters, “It’s time for Donald Trump to pack his bags and go home!”

Trump told Michigan supporters, “We are going to win the state of Michigan again.”

Trump is hitting five states today, on top of large rallies across five states Sunday – some of them states he won in 2016. “We are going to win four more years in the White House,” he told supporters.

But with reported COVID cases rising in most states, Joe Biden is slamming Trump’s handling of the pandemic. “Imagine where we’d be if this President just wore a mask, instead of mocking it from the beginning,” Biden said.

Trump warned, “It’s a choice between a deadly Biden lockdown. He wants to lock down. We’re never locking down.”

The United States Elections Project says more than 94 million Americans have already cast their ballots, surpassing two-thirds of all ballots cast during the 2016 presidential election.

When Virginia Beach, VA resident Sandy Martin was asked why she was standing in line to vote early, she said, “There’s just so much on the line.”

When asked what was on the line for her, she answered, “Our freedom.”

But the huge number of mail-in ballots threatens to prolong the counting and delay the declaration of a winner.

President Trump said, “We should know the result of the election on November 3rd…that’s the way it’s been. “

Biden Senior Campaign Advisor Anita Dunn thinks we will know results from some key states on election night, telling ABC’s This Week program,

“Georgia, North Carolina, and Florida are all states that we can reasonably assume we’re going to hear results from either election night or early the next morning.”

Trump Campaign Senior Advisor Jason Miller told This Week he believes election night will show a Trump victory. It’s after Election Day that he’s worried about.

“If you speak with many smart Democrats, they believe President Trump will be ahead on election night, probably getting 280 electoral, something in that range, and then they’re going to try to steal it back after the election,” Miller said.

It feels in some ways like a repeat of 2016, with Trump down in many polls, but with a sense that his support has again been underestimated by the pollsters.

Meanwhile, many shops and offices in major cities have already been boarded up, amid fears of left-wing rioting after the election.
Source: CBN News


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