Daily Impact with Rev. Yemi Graceman Aduloju


Daily Impact: 30th June 2023
Topic: Destroying the weapons of war
Text: Psalm 46:9

We started considering the weapons of war that need to be destroyed yesterday and we mentioned that one such weapon is an evil altar. Invocations are made against the life of a man on such altars.

The evil hand is another weapon the enemy uses to fight against people. 1st Kings 13:4. Jeroboam stretched his hands against the man of God who prophesied against him but God caused the evil hand of Jeroboam to dry up, this is the same way God will cause evil hands stretched against your destiny to dry up. The hands of the wicked will not be able to carry out their enterprises against your life and destiny.

Another weapon used by the enemy is the evil mirror. The enemy monitors the life of a man diabolically through evil mirrors. Anything the enemies use to monitor the progress and advancement of a man is a mirror figuratively. It could be a bowl of water or even someone sent to spy on the man.

Evil charm kept, hung or buried somewhere against a man is another weapon the enemies employ for war. A man rented an apartment where a charm was buried without his knowledge. He only realised that every good thing he brought into the house was lost including his job. The charm was operating against his life. Such a person will continue to struggle until the charm is exuded or he vacates that place. This is why we always pray when we rent a property that whatever has been buried prior to our arrival be consumed by fire. Don’t just move into a property or business without praying. Some employers bury charms to make progress to the detriment of their employees. You must be spiritually sensitive.

Evil tongues speaking against the interest of a man is another weapon the enemy employs. These evil tongues speak where you matter, they speak against a man to hinder his progress and advancement. Such evil tongues shall be totally silenced in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus:
1. Father, cause every evil hand stretched against my life and destiny to wither
2. Every Satanic weapon employed to monitor my life and destiny, shatter in the mighty name of Jesus. Let evil eyes monitoring my progress be plucked out of their socket in the mighty name of Jesus
3. I silence every evil tongue speaking against my interest and that of my family in the mighty name of Jesus.
4. Father, raise a voice to speak in my favour wherever my interest/name is mentioned.

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Friday, 30th, 06, 2023


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