Daily Impact with Rev. Yemi Graceman Aduloju


Daily Impact: January 12, 2024
Topic: 7 Days of Praise (Day 6)
Text: Acts 16:25-26

It’s day six of praise and we are going to have the kind of experience Paul and Silas had. The prison doors will open for every destiny that has been in prison. As you praise the Lord, the foundation of your problems will be shaken. The problem will be shaken to the roots and be destroyed. Doors shall open for you, and chains shall fall off your hands and feet. Everything that has tied your hand to failure, indebtedness, and insufficiency will drop off. Everything that has tied your feet to unprogressiveness, stagnation or backwardness will totally be destroyed. The presence of God, the name of the Lord will make these happen in our lives as we praise. And don’t forget, also very importantly, as we praise the name of the Lord, doors will open for you. There are amazing doors that will open for you this year. I don’t care what door closed against 2023 or before, but this year those doors will open. Whatever powers holding the keys to your breakthrough, open doors, will give up the key as you praise the Lord. Doors will open for you. The ancient gates will lift up their heads for you in the precious name of Jesus.

The praise of the Almighty God made all these happen for Paul and Silas in the Philippian jail. They were in jail, but they did not mourn or whine over their problem, rather, they prayed and sang praises to the Almighty God. Praise brings God into your situation. Praise is the only thing that gets God to rise up on his throne, and then He descends in it (Praise). You bring God into your matter as you praise his name, and so this morning, as we praise God, the foundation of your problem will be shaken and destroyed. There be a great earthquake as we praise God today. Many doors will open for you. You will step to your place of assignment today and begin to see and hear and get the report of open doors in every aspect of your life. I have seen how the praise of God made this happen before, It will make it happen again. Today, wombs will open. Someone joining this program this morning, you will suddenly discover that your closed doors are opened.

I pray this morning that whatever stood as a problem in your path before, is taken out of the way. The foundation of your prison, problem has been shaken, and not only shaken, but destroyed. In other words, that problem, that imprisonment has been destroyed from the very foundation in the name of Jesus Christ. Because you have praised God, every chain that tied your hands to failure, shortage, and losses is destroyed today. Every chain that tied your feet to stagnation, backwardness, and delay is broken. Because you have praised the Almighty God your doors are opened and the name of the Lord is glorified, so shall it be in Jesus precious name we have prayed, Amen.

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