Daily Impact with Rev. Yemi Graceman Aduloju


Hindrances to elevation – Genesis 9 : 24-26

Daily Impact today concentrates on CURSE, being a hindrance to elevation. Below are points You might want to take note of as You listen, the blessings of Abraham shall not depart from you as You pray to break curses this morning, SHALOM.

• A curse is an empowerment to fail.
• A curse prevents a man from divine elevation
• Curses are hindrances to destiny progress and rising
• Curses does not allow a man fly high
• Curses results in relegation
• A blessing is an empowerment to succeed

•Jesus became a curse to free us from Curses. Gal 3:13-14

Types of yokes in a man’s life
1. Yoke of smallness
2. Yoke of barrenness

Redemption makes a man a candidate of elevation and promotion

Prayer focus:
1. I revoke every curse operating in my life
2. I cancel every pronouncement militating against my advancement and elevation in life and destiny
3. I possess the blessings of Abraham


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Wednesday, 14th, 06, 2023



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