Daily Impact with Rev. Yemi Graceman Aduloju


Daily Impact: January 31, 2024
Topic: Who to Follow for Greater Glory
Text: Psalm 32:8

It is important for anyone who will get to greater glory to ensure that he journeys with the right people or things.

Who to follow to greater glory?
1. Follow the guide: God is our guide. He is the guide of our life. The journey of life and the journey of every year is likened to the journey of the wilderness and three major hazards can occur in the wilderness: People can get lost in the wilderness and can fall prey to wild beasts. People get dehydrated and die due to lack of water, the heat of the desert/wilderness can also kill people. The guide knows the best route to reach your greater glory destination. The guide knows where all the necessities for the journey are positioned and he has promised to instruct you in the right way. God guides us with his eyes, through his spirit, through his word, and divine instructions through his servant.

2. Follow instruction: Proverbs 8:33, the wise do not disdain instruction. Hear instructions and be wise. Instruction is the pathway to distinction. Every examination has an instruction, and every gadget purchased has an instruction for proper utilization. Life is full of potholes and pitfalls. Divine instruction is needed to escape the pitfalls and potholes of life. God can use anyone or anything to instruct you. Naaman would have died a leper if he hadn’t followed the advice of his maid to go to Elisha and the advice of his servant to do as instructed by Elisha. He got his healing when he followed instructions. He had wise counselors around him. Surround your life with people wiser and better than you so that you don’t remain at the same level. You become like the advice of the people you are listening to. In the multitude of counselors, there is safety.

1. Father, you are the guide of my youth, guide me with your eyes and lead me on the path that I should go
2. Father, guide me from the dangers and pitfalls of the year 2024. Lead me to safety and refuge.

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