Daily Impact with Rev. Yemi Graceman Aduloju


Daily Impact: February 27, 2024
Topic: Open Heavens
Text: John 1:50-51

Jesus promised us greater things. The things of God gets better. It is God’s will that we see greater things. The Key to experiencing better things is an Open heaven. Rain falls when your heavens are open causing your ground to be soft and producing good results, Deuteronomy 28:12. A man struggles to achieve anything under a closed heaven. God has promised to open his good treasures unto us. Open heavens result in the blessing of the works of your hands, making you a lender and not a borrower.

Prepare yourself for a major rain this week. I command the heavens over your life to be opened this week, you will not operate under a closed heaven, God will cause the rain to fall upon your ground, your things will happen with ease, God will cause things to work for you, the works of your hands will produce results, nothing will fail/die in your hands, nothing fails in your hands in the name of Jesus. You will see heaven open, you will experience greater things in your life. The testimonies you’ve experienced in the past will be nothing compared to what God is set to do this week. You will not borrow but lend to many nations. Step out with great faith and assurance and God will make greater things happen for you in the name of Jesus. Amen.


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