Daily Impact with Rev. Yemi Graceman Aduloju


Daily Impact: May 17, 2024
Topic: Don’t Rest Too Soon
Text: Genesis 26:22

Isaac got to Rehoboth where he dug a well and contention ceased. God made room for him. It would have been expected that since the Lord made room for Isaac, he would have settled and rested but he didn’t. He went to Beer-sheba. He continued to work even after he recorded results. He dug and found water at Sheba. There is Beer- Sheba after Rehoboth. You will find water in the name of Jesus. Isaac did not build a tabernacle over the breakthrough of Rehoboth, he continued to press on and he recorded another breakthrough at Beer-Sheba. A man who thinks he has arrived goes down, that’s the only direction he has to face. Failure and downfall is the lot of a man who decides to rest too soon. After one breakthrough comes another breakthrough. Don’t surrender or call a party after a breakthrough. Strive for more. Success is a journey and not a destination. There is a danger in resting too soon, Genesis 49:14-15, Isaachar gave up his freedom and became a slave because he found rest and surrendered rather than press on. Don’t become a slave or give up your freedom because of rest. Emulate Isaac and not Isaachar. Do not rest too soon, don’t give up. Keep pressing on, don’t surrender or submit. Someone has achieved successes beyond the present level you have recorded, don’t surrender, continue to strive forward. God intends to make larger rooms for you.

1. I receive the grace to keep pressing on after a breakthrough. I refuse to rest too soon.
2. Father, let me record greater accomplishments and results. Let me find water after Rehoboth.
3. Father, let there be a commotion of success and breakthroughs in my life.
4. Take me to Sheba after Rehoboth, let me find water and let your name be glorified.

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