Daily Impact with Rev. Yemi Graceman Aduloju

Daily Impact: 20th August 2023
Topic: The Answer 

God is a prayer answering God. He answers by revelation of what to do, He answers by divine remembrance of sacrifices, prayers, and entreaties. When God remembers, He delivers.
Another way God answers is by sending help and helpers. Help is one of the ways by which God answers our prayers. Matthew 14: 29-31:  So He said, “Come.” And when Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus. But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink he cried out, saying, “Lord, save me!    And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him, and said to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”
Peter was walking on water. His business was doing well. So to say, his life was going very well. But now he saw the contrary wind. The wind was boisterous and fear entered his heart and he began to sink. But as he sank, he cried out, Jesus, save me. And in answer to his prayers, Jesus stretched out his hand and saved him, the hand of help. You must understand that everybody needs help in life and destiny.
When Cornelius prayed and when his prayers came off in memorial before God, God said to him, in Acts 10:4-5 to send men to Joppa and call for Simon who will help him in the way of the Lord and tell him what he needs to do.
Help can come in different ways. Help could come by way of someone giving you the information you need for things to change about your life and destiny. It might come by way of somebody offering you assistance or help. It might come by way of somebody giving to you or connecting you to somebody by mentioning your name where it matters. Everybody needs help. Joseph needed help and it was the butler that God used to help Joseph.

So God sends help when we pray but the problem many people have is that they don’t want somebody to help them. That is not the kind of answer that they are waiting for. They are waiting for a major answer, a unique answer. But one way by which God answers prayers is by sending help. He could send someone much younger or below you. Look at Naaman the leper. He was a general, a military general, the Syrian military general, a powerful man, but he was a leper. And who did God send to help him? God sent a little maid, a girl that was taken captive in war.

It was this slave or servant girl that mentioned to the mother of the house that if only the general could go to Israel and say to the prophet of God, he would be cleansed. The information he needed, the help he needed, he got from his maid.
Never look down on anyone in life. God can bring help through whoever he chooses to. He could help you through your daughter, son, or your employee. He could help you through anybody. Don’t depend on a particular man as your source or channel of help. God is the source of all help, and He can use anybody as the channel. But you must understand that everybody needs help. The Psalmist said I will lift my eyes unto the hills from whence come my help.
My help comes from the Lord, which made the heavens and the earth. So in answer to our prayers, God sends help, God sends helpers.

David must have been praying for help as he was running away from Saul. And the Bible says day by day, God sent people to him to help him until his band became a major army, like the host of God. You need help, I need help. May you not lack help in life and destiny. May God send help to you in the name of Jesus.
Another way by which God may choose to answer your prayers is by making a way. God makes a way where there seems to be no way. In the book of the prophet Isaiah 43:18-19, God said, forget about the former things. Do not remember the former things nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing. Now it shall spring forth. Shall you not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.
God in answers to prayers can make a way for you. And He will make a way. He is the way maker. He always makes a way. When a man appears stranded, when our backs are against the wall, God makes a way of escape.
When a man goes through very serious or severe temptation and trouble, God makes a way of escape for him. He is the way maker. He will always make a way. And so a major way by which God hears and answers prayers is by making a way where there seems to be no way. God will make a way for you in the name of Jesus. He is the way maker. He will make a way for you. He makes a way where there seems to be no way. Sometimes it appears all roads are blocked. It appears there is no way out of a particular situation. In such a situation, remember your God. He is the way maker. Jesus also said I am the way, the truth, and the life. He is the way. He will always make a way for his own. He will make a way for you in that situation. In unlikely places, He will make a way for you, and turn things around for you.
There is no water in the desert but God said I am turning around that seemingly impossible situation. I am causing water or rivers to flow for you in the desert. I am making a way for you in the wilderness. He is the way maker. He makes a way and will make a way for you in the name of Jesus.

Prayer Focus
1. Father, my eyes are upon you. Send me help from above. Send me help. Send me helpers in the name of Jesus.

2. Father, the man you have sent to help me, let him lose his sleep. Let him lose his peace until he has done your bidding in the name of Jesus.

3. In life and destiny, I will not lack help. I will not lack helpers. I will be surrendered with help and helpers in the precious name of Jesus,
4.  Father, make a way for me where there seems to be no way. You are the Waymaker. Make a way for me.


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