Daily Impact with Rev. Yemi Graceman Aduloju


Daily Impact: August 23 2023
Topic: The answer
Text: Job 14:14

If a man dies, shall he live again? All the days of my appointed time will I wait, Till my change come. Job 14:14 KJV
How does God give answers? We have seen several ways, six ways out of many, by which God answers His people. We want to look at point number seven. God answers by asking you to wait for the appointed time. There is usually an appointed time for every man. So Job said, I will wait till my change comes. All the days of my appointed time, Will I wait till my change comes. You have an appointed time with God. Every man has his own time, and no man knows his own time. This is one major reason why we fret and trouble. No man knows his time. We do not know the time of our change. We do not know the time of that transformation. What we know is that there is change coming.

A wise man will prepare himself for that change/appointment. He understands there is an appointment on his way., so he prepares for that appointment. The foolish plays away his time, hoping and thinking for a miracle to happen. A miracle will happen tomorrow. Yes, I believe in miracles, but I believe even those miracles have appointed time for your life and for your destiny. You must prepare yourself for the manifestation of these miracles in your life. In Genesis 18:10, the Bible says, I will certainly return to you according to the time of life. And behold, Sarah, your wife shall have a son. I will return according to the time of life. In verse 14, the angel said, Is there anything too hard for the Lord?

So we see the appointed time, time, and time of life, time. This speaks of the chronological movement of time. 60 seconds make one minute, and 60 minutes make an hour, 24 hours make a day. That is time, the chronological movement of time. Every month, life and age are measured in time. So there is time. There is also the time of life. That is the time when things happen in their natural order or sequence. Things happen as God ordained them for man. The time of life, the woman is married and she’s pregnant. We expect her according to the time of life to give birth after 40 weeks of pregnancy. That is the time of life. The appointed time is however different. It is a moment in the sequence of time, in the movement of time that God has appointed to meet with a man to resolve the issues of his life or bring about the long-awaited change for that man. You have an appointment with God, an appointment with destiny. Your times are in God’s hands. In Psalm 31:15, the Psalmist said, my times are in thy hand. Deliver me from the hands of my enemies and from them that persecute me. My times are in thy hands. Your times are in God’s hands. My times are in God’s hands. Our times are in God’s hands. So sometimes God asks you to wait. And it is important for you to learn the art of waiting.

Never be in a hurry to get things done. Never be in a hurry for a change in your life or in your destiny. Never forget that the process of a man’s miracle is as important as the product, as what it becomes, as the miracle itself. Your miracle, your blessing is as important as the process that births the miracle or brings about the blessing. That’s why I said that a man’s miracle, a product, is as important as the process. Go through the process. Process takes time. When God takes you through a process, He is preparing you for something great. Wait for that time. Don’t be in a hurry to emerge. Don’t be in a hurry to make it. Don’t be in a hurry to blow. Go through your process. Let God form you. Let God make you. Let Him form your character. Let Him develop you by the things you go through in the process. Wait for the Lord and wait on Him. Again, I say wait. They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as eagles. They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint. Learn to wait upon the Lord.

Your change is coming. It should come at the right time because the Bible says, He makes all things beautiful in its time. Everything has its time. Your transformation has its time. That change has its time. Your promotion has its time. Again, I repeat, don’t short-circuit the process. Don’t abort the process. Don’t skip the process. Everything that is not processed will end up in nonsense. Wait for your time. Wait to be developed. Wait to be trained. Wait to be built up. You’ve got to be built up before God can deliver to you what He has prepared for you. He has to prepare you for what He has prepared for you. Paul the Apostle wrote in Acts of the Apostles 20:32, that I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to number one, build you up. And then number two, deliver to you your inheritance, among all them which are sanctified. The word of God will first build you up. And that building up takes time. He will build you up till your appointed time

When God answers your prayers and He says, wait, that means He’s preparing you for what He has prepared for you. He’s preparing you for the place that He has prepared for you. God showed Joseph a great dream when he was 17 years old, but God said to him, wait. The dream will come to pass, but you have to wait. And in your waiting, you will go through so many things and those things are to prepare you for the final destination, for the final place that God has prepared for you. God took Joseph 13 years of training, 13 years of learning, and 13 years of waiting before he got to the place that God has destined for him. Ditto for David. David was anointed king as a teenager and he did not mount the throne until he was 30 years old. God used this time of waiting to prepare him for the place and for the throne that He had prepared for him. The answer of God therefore could be, to wait for your appointed time. Wait. God never makes mistakes with time. God never makes mistakes with anybody’s time. He will not make mistakes with your life. He will not mismanage your life. He will not mismanage your time.

Prayer Focus
1. Father, I receive the strength and stamina to wait, not to be in a hurry, but to wait for my appointed time in the name of Jesus.
2. Father, make all things beautiful in my life. At the appointed time, He makes all things beautiful in this time. Make things beautiful in my life, in my destiny.
3. Father, you are the author of time. My times are in your hand. Bring me to my time of performance. Bring my miracle, bring my blessings to their time of performance in the name of Jesus.
4. Father, make this day, this week, my time of fulfillment. Make it my time of visitation. Make it my time of blessing. My time of promotion. My time of fruitfulness. Make it my time. Let it be my time of favor in the name of Jesus. Make it my time of divine remembrance. Make it my time for promotion. My time of help in the name of Jesus. Make it my time and let your name be glorified in Jesus’ precious name. Amen

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