Daily Impact with Rev. Yemi Graceman Aduloju


Daily Impact: 26th August 2023
Topic: The Manifestations of God

Text: Luke 5:17

An atmosphere for miracles, signs, and wonders is created where God is present because the presence of God makes things happen. The Bible says “Now it happened on a certain day as he was teaching that there were Pharisees and teachers of the Lord sitting by, who had come out of every town of Galilee, Judea and Jerusalem and the power of the Lord was present to heal them. Anywhere God is present, anywhere the spirit of God is present, the power of the Lord will usually be there to make miracle signs and wonders happen. Here, the power of the Lord was present to heal today, as it was yesterday and all through these 10 days and beyond, the power of the Lord will be present to heal, to deliver, to set free, to open doors, to make a way where there has been no way, to make impossibilities possible in the lives of God’s people.

God’s presence will make amazing things happen for you. Things happen positively for you when you carry God’s presence, bringing about a positive turnaround. Jesus was in the house teaching. The power of the Lord was present to heal them there. In Exodus 3:7, God told Moses to tell the children of Israel, God said, I have surely seen the oppression of my people who are in Egypt and I have heard their cry because of their taskmasters. I know their sorrow. Now I have come down to deliver them. The presence of the Lord brings about a major turnaround in the lives and the situations of people. God is present with us as we gather these 10 days. God is with us. We felt his presence, his power, the manifestation of his presence. We saw it yesterday and we are going to see it in a greater dimension today and always. And I want to plead with you to always carry this presence of God. Don’t make it an anniversary thing alone. Don’t make it a 10 days at Shiloh experience alone. Carry God’s presence with you. It is the number one atmosphere you can create for miracles, signs, and wonders in your life.

An atmosphere for miracles, signs, and wonders is created where the word of God is available. The word of God is very instrumental to the miracles of God. The word of God is the conveyor of the power of God. The manifestations of the power of God are revealed and released through the word of God. If you want to see the power of God at work in your life, then expose yourself to the word of God. We give precedence to the word of God. Like Job, we have esteemed the word of his mouth more than our necessary food, the word of God. In Exodus 4:17, God spoke to Moses and said, and you shall take this rod in your hand with which you shall do the signs. The word of God is that rod for signs and wonders. Luke 5:17, the Bible says it came to pass on a certain day that the Pharisees, the teachers of the law were sitting Jesus was teaching and the power of God was present to heal. The word of God releases the power of God. In Genesis chapter one, when darkness was upon the face of the earth, during the creation, the spirit of God was moving and God spoke, God said, Let the earth be light. The word that God spoke, carried the power of God and turned things around bringing light to the darkness of the earth. The word of God is the conveyor of the power of God, the reason why the Bible says, He sent his word. The sent word healed them and delivered them from their destruction.
The presence of the Trinity makes miracles, signs, and wonders happen. The spirit of God is the one that makes miracles of God happen according to the will of God. He distributes signs and wonders according to the will of God. We have the word of God. We have the spirit of God. So we anticipate, therefore, great miracles, diverse healings, great signs and wonders. Be a part of this great program today on ground or online. Join and experience the power of God. The atmosphere is charged. The power of God has been present since the program started yesterday. I invite you to please come and experience the manifestation of the Almighty in your life and your destiny. God’s presence; the presence of the word of God and the presence of the spirit of God are the necessities for great signs and wonders. But how do I as a person create this atmosphere in my life? How do I make the atmosphere of my life conducive to miracles, signs, and wonders?

Your faith in God must be stronger. Have faith in God. The Bible says in Mark chapter 11:22, have faith in God. Your faith in God is the first requirement to create this atmosphere in your life. The atmosphere is ripe, and the atmosphere is charged, but your own personal and individual atmosphere must be created for these miracles to take place in your life. You need faith. In Luke 1:45, the Bible says, Blessed is she that believes there shall be a performance of those things that were told from the Lord. Please, Let your faith in God be strong enough to approach God today and always. Understand that faith is the currency of exchange in the kingdom of God. And faith, by definition, is the expression of confidence in God and His word. You must express confidence in God who is present. You must express confidence in the word of God that is available, that is being preached. This is how to create this atmosphere, an atmosphere of faith that makes great things happen in the life of a man. Faith is a living force that is drawn from the living word to produce living proof. Draw faith from the word of God. The Bible says, faith, comes by hearing and hearing the word of God. Let your faith in God be strong for miracles, signs, and wonders.

The second requirement is Joy. Your joy must be intact. You must express joy because the Bible says in Isaiah 12:3; therefore with joy, you will draw water from the wells of salvation. The only thing you need to draw from the wells of salvation, from the wells of this miracle, signs, and wonders is joy. Apart from your faith, your joy must be in place. Joy, do not allow your situation or the experiences of your life to overwhelm you. Your joy must be intact. If there is anything the enemy wants to tamper with or steal, it is your joy. Don’t let the devil tamper with your joy. Maintain your joy if you must create an atmosphere for miracles, signs, and wonders. Joy, apart from faith, is a necessary ingredient for creating a conducive atmosphere for miracles, signs, and wonders.

Prayer Focus
1. Father, I believe, let there be a performance of your word in my life and destiny. Lift your voice and pray. Father, I believe, therefore let there be a performance of those things that have been spoken to me from you in the name of Jesus. Let your word be performed in my life and let your name be glorified.
2. I take from the presence of the Lord, I take joy, I take my blessings, I take my employment, I take my money, I take my husband, I take my marriage, I take my fruitfulness.
3. Let my life be conducive to the manifestation of the Almighty. For the miracles and signs, wonders of the Almighty God. Let my life and the atmosphere of my life be conducive in the name of Jesus.

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