Daily Impact with Rev. Yemi Graceman Aduloju


Daily Impact: 27th August 2023
Topic: The manifestations of God
Text: Job 42:5

I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: But now mine eye seeth thee. Job 42:5

The Message translation of that verse of Scripture says I admit I once lived by rumours of you. Now I have it all firsthand from my own eyes and ears. The new living translation of that verse of Scripture says, I had only heard about you before, but now I have seen you with my own eyes. A man who has experienced God has a stronger faith, a stronger dimension of faith than the man who has only heard about God. You most probably have heard about God. You have heard of the power of God, the ability of God, the immutability of God, and how illimitable God is. You’ve heard. But have you experienced God? Have you seen Him in any aspect of your life? Can you boldly say that I have experienced God? Now, the point is this, dear listener. That the fate of a man who has seen or experienced God is usually stronger and better than the fate of a man who has only heard or read about God.

And it is easy for the man who has seen God, who has experienced God to release his faith to see more of God or to experience more of God. If you want to see more of God, you need to begin to experience him in a deeper dimension to begin to see the hand of God at work in a great and mighty way in your life, situation, destiny, family, and business. Job, in this verse of Scripture, said I have only heard of you by the hearing of the ears. I have heard. All I have heard is rumours about you, news about the doings of you, the living God, and what you can do. But right now I have seen you. I can see you. I can attest to it that I’ve experienced you because of your manifestations in my life and my destiny. I have heard of you with the hearing of the ears. A man who has experienced God is in a better position to receive more from God. It takes faith to obtain from God. The Bible says in Hebrews 11: 33 that the men of faith obtained promises through faith, it is possible to obtain promises through faith with an experience of God.

A man who has experienced God can exercise faith, wait on God, wait with God, and wait for God to see further and greater manifestations of God in his life and his destiny. Every man needs the manifestation of God in his life and these will open you up to greater faith and enable you to take more, to receive more from God. Have you seen God? Have you experienced him in any aspect of your life? Is there any area of your life that you can point to and say, yes, here I saw God? I can tell you boldly, that if you have seen God in any aspect of your life, then your faith in him will not be weak. Your faith in God will be strong. And that is why it is surprising to us, as it was surprising to God, that the men of Israel, having seen the wonders and the miracles of God in Egypt and the wilderness, yet doubted. They doubted the ability of God to perform as he had promised, to take them to the promised land. In Numbers 14:22, God declared that those who had seen the manifestation of His power in Egypt yet refused to hearken to His voice would neither see nor enter the promised land. They provoked God because despite experiencing God and seeing God, they doubted God. That’s why the faith of a man who has seen God and experienced God, is usually stronger than the faith of those who have merely heard about God.

The prayer of Paul in Philippians 3:10; That I may know him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his suffering being made conformable unto his death. Paul was praying for a deeper and greater revelation and manifestation of God in his life. The knowing that Paul was talking about is an experiential knowledge of God, an experience of God that cannot be confused for any reason, an experience of God that cannot be doubted, an experience of God that is firm, that is solid. I want to know God. That’s why I’m saying you need the manifestation of God in your life to have this experience that we are talking about. I pray that God will unforgettably reveal himself to you in the name of Jesus.

This Kind of knowing was seen in the life of the man who was born blind in John 9. His experience was debated but it did not matter. He had an encounter with Jesus. That is all that mattered. They reviled him, they wanted to confuse him, but he refused to be confused because he had an experience. An experience of God in your life will make you firm, established, undeterred, and resolute in your conviction and devotion. Just like Job experienced God. Job saw God. You will also see God. Having this knowledge of God makes you a better witness. Acts 10:39; And we are witnesses of all things which he did both in the land of the Jews, and in Jerusalem; whom they slew and hanged on a tree:
My prayer is that you will experience God even as you appear before Him today. You will see God. You will have a personal encounter, an unforgettable encounter with the Almighty God, and your life will never be the same again.

Prayer Focus
1. Father, I have heard of you by the hearing of the years. Let me see you now. Reveal yourself to me in the name of Jesus.
2. Father, manifest your greatness and power in my situation, in my business, in my family. Manifest your greatness, manifest your glory. Manifest your power in my life, in my situation, in my family, in my business.
3. Father, give me great experiences in life that will make me a better witness unto you. Give me great testimonies, and great miracles that will make me a better witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus.

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