Sikh Becomes a Christian Says: ‘Emmanuel TV Changed My Life’


Vikramjeet Singh, an Indian who was brought up in a devout Sikh family, has shared on Facebook how the videos of Nigerian Prophet T.B. Joshua on Emmanuel TV changed his life and faith.

T.B Joshua

Singh, who hails from Faridabad, the largest city in the North Indian State of Haryana, said despite his religious upbringing, he wasn’t particularly “spiritual or connected to God through Sikhi” until some challenges he encountered caused him to probe deeper.

“As time passed, I encountered some problems which made me think about who is God. From that day, I started searching for God in my own religion Sikhism.”

According to Vikramjeet, he religiously read the Sikh Scriptures known as ‘Guru Granth Sahib’ in his search for solace. “I used to do go to the temple daily and do seva (acts of selfless service)as well but none of these changed my problems; they even became worse,” he wrote.

“Then I started searching for God in other religions as well. I chanted Hanuman Chalisa (a Hindu hymn) and read many spiritual books. I even went to a mosque but didn’t find peace,” Singh continued.

His search for help led him to YouTube where the Indian typed into the search bar, ‘miracles from God’ in his quest for meaning.

“I found a video named ‘TB Joshua Healing People In Jesus Name,’ Singh explained, referring to a clip from the popular Christian station Emmanuel TV based in Lagos, Nigeria

“I saw the complete video and he cured a man who had cancer. He healed him completely and I said to myself, ‘What have I just seen?’”
Singh was shocked at what he witnessed and decided to delve deeper, watching countless more videos of miracles on Emmanuel TV online.

“I saw more videos of TB Joshua where he was healing HIV patients, people with tumours, cancer etc. I thought, ‘If this man can heal people in Jesus’ name, perhaps Jesus can help me too.’

The remarkable footage he witnessed demonstrated power he had never previously seen and soon became the catalyst for an incredible change in his life.

“After that, I started searching for people who pray for people in Jesus’ name in India. I found a pastor who prayed for me. I was in hurry to get healed but didn’t know that Jesus had something even bigger for me,” Singh continued.

The more interested he grew in Christianity, the more the message of Jesus began to resonate within him.
“As time passed, they started telling me that Jesus died for my sins but He never sinned. That word punctured my heart! I thought, ‘Why would someone else die for my mistakes, for my sins?’ On that day, I asked for forgiveness and mercy from Jesus.”

Ever since that decision, Vikramjeet Singh’s life radically transformed. “Trust me – He gave me the peace which I was searching for! That peace showed me that Jesus is the true God.”
The Indian is now sharing his testimony in the hope that others too will be inspired to learn from his own experiences.

“Be smart and make Jesus your Lord and Saviour today,” he advised. “You never know when your time will come. Hell and Heaven is real and Jesus is the only way to Heaven!”
Emmanuel TV is the world’s most watched Christian ministry channel on YouTube, with over 1.2 million subscribers. Singh’s moving testimony was subsequently shared on T.B. Joshua’s official Facebook page.


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