Daily Impact with Rev. Yemi Graceman Aduloju


Daily Impact: November 29, 2023
Topic: Attracting the Blessings of God
Text: 1st Chronicles 17:27

David clearly declared the things that God had made to happen in his life. He said God was pleased to bless him. We must live a life that is pleasing to attract the blessings of the Lord. God releases his blessings on those who please him. our lives please God when we do his will and walk in his ways. The sacrifices of righteousness are also pleasing to the Lord. Doing good and giving to others makes your life pleasing to God, Hebrews 13:16. Our heartfelt praise is pleasing to the Lord, 2nd Corinthians 9:7. Proverbs 16:7, when your ways please God, he causes even your enemies to be at peace with you. God referred to David as a man after his heart even after he sinned with Bathsheba because he was quick to repent and confess his sins. It will please the Lord to bless you.

What you do with the blessings endowed on you by God determines if he will continue to bless you and your household or not. The question is what do you do with the blessings of God? Do you oppress others with the blessings, if you do, you are shutting the blessings of God out of your life and that of your generation. You must use your blessings and liftings to the glory of God and to help others. Be just with the blessings of God in your life.

Prayer Focus
1. Father, let my life please you, help me to live my life to please you.
2. Father, have mercy upon my unrighteousness, forgive my sins, and overlook my trespasses in the name of Jesus, wash me with the blood of Jesus, and make me whole.
3. Father, let it please you to bless me and my house and the posterity after me. Let the mention of my name produce blessings and goodwill in the name of Jesus.
4. Father, I pray, as the month winds to a close, remember me and bless me.

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