Nigeria Ranks #9 On USA Open Doors 2021 List Of 50 Most Dangerous Countries To Be A Christian


Open Doors USA has released its report on Christian persecution for 2021, highlighting the most dangerous countries for Christians to live in.

Some new countries have been added to the list, but the same top 10 countries have not changed much. North Korea ranks first as the most dangerous country to be a Christian, but then comes the number of countries that consider other religions as their primary religion. Nigeria, for the first time, entered the 10 most dangerous countries for Christians.

According to the report, “the worst of the worst this year is still unchanged. After North Korea is Afghanistan, followed by Somalia, Libya, Pakistan, Eritrea, Yemen, Iran, Nigeria and India.”

One country that dropped out of the top 10 is Sudan, after being part of that list for six years. The reason Sudan is no longer in the top 10 is that it recently abolished the death penalty and drafted legislation legalizing religions other than Islam. However, Sudan ranks 13th in the report on the sexual exploitation and prejudice of Christians, and even the persecution of Christians.

It is noteworthy and rather confusing that China, which has detained about 1/4 of all the world’s imprisoned Christians and implemented the closure of countless churches across the country, was not included in the top 10 countries at risk, instead, China came in as the 17th most dangerous country for Christians.

Although the Open Doors did not specify China’s ranking, it is possible that it did not rank higher, because, despite the imposition of harsh measures on Christians, they are not killing most Christians, unlike other countries. Who made it to the top 10 list.


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