Daily Impact with Rev. Yemi Graceman Aduloju


Daily Impact: January 27, 2024
Topic: Power ‘Contd
Text: Acts 2:1-4

God’s power is necessary for the fulfillment of God’s purpose in a man’s life. The spiritual controls the physical. You need the power of God to be in control. You also need the power of God to contend for your everything, for your portion in life and destiny. And after contending for your portion and obtaining this portion, you need the power of God to sustain and maintain it. Power is needed to open your doors and gates and to keep them open. what does God’s power accomplish in a man’s life?

1. It brings a man out of the grave of destiny. It is only the power of God that can bring out your destiny from the grave. We could see this happen in the life of Lazarus. Lazarus had a great destiny, but the enemy struck with sickness came and wasted him. Lazarus died and he was buried. And that was supposed to be the end of his life. Anything in the grave is finished. John 11:43, Lazarus came forth when Jesus came into the scene, the power of the Lord brought Lazarus out of the grave. The power of God is required to bring back to life anything dead in your life. Whatever it is that has died in your life, destiny, business is coming back to life, by the power of the living God in the precious name of Jesus. We must always crave the power of God, the workings of the power of God in our lives. Power accompanies the word of God. The word of God is a conveyor of the power of God. You must devote yourself to the study of the word of God. Joshua 1:8

2. It opens all closed doors. It takes the power of God to open doors and gates that are closed against a man of destiny. God gave the children of Israel a beautiful promise, and after over about 40 years of journey, the gate of Jericho was strictly shut. It was their land of possession, but the gate was shut against them, but the power of God brought down the walls of Jericho and pulled down the gates. The power of God is necessary to open closed doors and gates. Acts 12:10, The power of God opens closed gates and doors. No door can be closed against a carrier of the power and presence of God. The power of God is found in the word of God. The presence of God is another major catalyst for the revelation and manifestation of the power of God.

3. The power of God subdues all enemies and oppositions. It subdues all enemies again. You are on a journey into greater glory. The greater the glory, the greater the fight that you will endure, the greater the glory, the greater the fight. You have to fight for your portion, possession, and heritage. The forces contending for your heritage, portion, and possession, won’t just give up without a fight. Psalm 66:3, through the greatness of God’s power, the enemies submit. Enemies will not submit until they see power. Luke 10:19, we have been given the power to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and overall the powers of the enemies. You need the power of God.

1. My life, my glory, come out of every grave of destiny in the name of Jesus.
2. I command in the name of Jesus that every wall that is enclosing me shutting me out of my greater glory, shutting me out of my blessings, fall flat in the name of Jesus. Let the gates shut against me, open now. Let the doors closed against me, Open now in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Let my doors open. Let my gates open. In the name of Jesus
3. I subdue all enemies and oppositions to my destiny and greater glory, in the name of Jesus. I subdue you today.
4. I press forward in life and destiny because of the power of God. I take hold of the power of God and I go forward. I make progress. I press on, I win, I overcome. I am victorious by the power of God at work in my life.

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