Daily Impact with Rev. Yemi Graceman Aduloju


Daily Impact: March 19, 2024
Topic: Guarantee for Peace
Text: Mark 4:35-40

How is Peace Guaranteed?
1. Make God your refuge. Psalm 46:1
2. You must please the Lord always, Proverbs 16:7
3. You must have love for the word of God. Psalm 119:165
4. Maintain Righteousness: Righteousness can be inputed i.e. righteousness that we found in Christ Jesus,2 Corinthians 5:21, we are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Righteousness can be referred to as right doing/living. Isaiah 32:17-18, Peace is a product of right doing and right living. John 14:30, the prince of this world did not find anything in Jesus. If you must enjoy peace, nothing must be found in you. Do not allow besetting sins to thrive in your life, they will interrupt your peace and cause your peace to be withdrawn from you. The work of Righteousness shall be peace. Living Right guarantees your peace.
5. Trust in the Lord: you must trust absolutely in the Lord for guaranteed peace. Isaiah 26:3-4, you have peace of mind when you trust in God. A man with a divided mind will have his peace interrupted, keep your mind stayed on God and not in another man or systems. Cursed is the man who puts his trust in another man. A man who puts his trust in God is blessed. Your everlasting strength lies in God.


1. Father, help me to walk before you and be blameless and let my peace be guaranteed.
2. Father, let me not stray away from the way of righteousness, help me to maintain my right standing and living before you.
3. Father, I put my trust absolutely in you, keep me in perfect peace.
4. Let progress be easy and possible in my life, let decision making be easy, my health will not be plundered and my life will be prolonged in the name of Jesus.

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