Daily Impact with Rev. Yemi Graceman Aduloju


Daily impact: 9th July, 2023
Topic: Secrets of Answered Prayers

We established yesterday that sometimes people pray amiss, or the wrong people pray and as such do not get
answers to their prayers. To this end, we shall consider the secrets to answered prayers.
1) Abide in Christ, John 15:7. You must pray word-based prayers if your prayers must be answered. Let the
word of God dwell richly in you. God’s word is the basis for success in life. God told Joshua through
Moses “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth, but thou shalt meditate therein day and
night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy
way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success”. Good success is inextricably connected to the
word of God. Many do not get answers to prayers because the word of Christ does not dwell in them. The
word of God is the bullet that gives life, power and strength to our prayer.
2) Ask in and from His will. 1st John 5:14. He hears and answers us when we pray according to His will. God
will hear you when you ask in His will and from His will. Let your prayers be issues based on the will and
direction of God. Moses always asked for the face of God and the way of God.
3) Do not make a selfish request: 1 st Samuel 1:11. Hannah prayed a selfless prayer. She removed herself from
the scene completely and put God first. Job 42:10. God turned around the captivity of Job after he prayed
for his friends. Let your prayers be others centered and not self-centered.
Learn to intercede for others.
4) Bear fruits: John 15:16. You are to go and bear fruits and when your fruits remain, whatever you ask in
God’s name will be granted to you. Your answered prayers is connected to your fruitfulness. Bear the fruits
of the Spirit, fruit of righteousness, fruit of your lips in worship and praise to God, win souls and let your
fruits remain. A man cannot be barren in the above listed fruits and expect answers to prayers.
5) Ask in the NAME of Jesus: John 16:23-24. We ask the father in the name of Jesus to receive answers to our
requests. We ask not in the name of pastors, bishops, general overseers etc.

Prayer focus:
1) Spirit of the living God, help me to pray the mind of God, help me to pray the will of God.
2) Father, help me to remain in your will, pray in your will, pray others centered prayers. Help me not to pray
selfish prayers.
3) Help me Holy spirit to bear fruits and let my fruits remain. Make me a fruit bearing branch.

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