You don’t get what you want but what you deserve – Gbenga Adeyemo


On this week’s Hello Nigeria series a motivational speaker Gbenga Adeyemo sheds light on the nitty gritty of success.

Adeyemo while teaching the series of success buttressed that everyone wants to be successful but many are yet to acknowledge their purpose on earth.

He noted that being rich is never a true definition of success but achieving goals and living a fulfilled life.

The motivational speaker teaches further by highlighting the three major keys to success which are: Power of intentionality, Power of purpose and value.

Adeyemo who pin pointed that man cannot get what he want but what he deserve said it is necessary to take effective steps towards achieving one’s goal on earth.

He advised that each individual should discover the seed of greatness in them and allow the power of reflection to show case the greatness in them.



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